
Danseaza cu Vinylul - Dance on Vinyl

Starting from the 6th of September Vincent Vinyl goes back on air with a brand new show - "Dance on Vinyl" which you can catch every Sunday from 4 to 6 Pm GMT (5 to 7 CET) on VogueFM (UK).
Vogue is different from normal radio station because when it says it is international, it doesnt just mean anyone anywhere can listen, its derrived from the DJs taking part from all over the world.
With Live shows from not only London, Manchester, Essex and other parts of the UK, VogueFM has all had performances streamed from Greece, Turkey, Austrailia, USA, Africa, Ibiza, Mallorca and many other countries from around the world.
Vogue FM streams on the net 24/7 with live djs on air.
Last year Vincent Vinyl brought to you on "City Sounds" guest Dj's like the Romanians
Dj Rushen (ProFM Dance), Dj G.ReeP (ProFM Dance), Dj Elis (ProFM Dance), Miss Dj Mara, Alin Prada, Djane Margo and Narcisa and also well known international Dj's like Gareth Emery (UK), Panevino (Swi), Miss Sunshine (Cro), Dj Polly Re-Mix (Bulgaria) or Moonwalker/Vincent R (Fra) this year Vincent will bring you again as guests in the second hour of the show some pretty big Dj's that you will enjoy for sure.
So remember that every Sunday you can catch "Dance on Vinyl" with Vincent Vinyl from 4 to 6 Pm GMT (5 to 7 CET) on VogueFM (UK).

Din 6 septembrie Vincent Vinyl se intoarce cu o noua emisiune on air. Este vorba despre un nou concept ce se numeste "Dance on Vinyl". Emisiunea se va auzi in fiecare duminica in intervalul 18:00 - 20:00 pe VogueFM (UK).
VogueFM este un web radio ce si-a inceput existenta in urma cu 5 ani de zile iar Dj-ii ce au emisiuni pe acest radio provin din intreaga lume. Astfel poti asculta emisiuni produse nu doar la Londra, Manchester, Essex sau alte parti ale Regatului Unit dar si live-uri din Turcia, Grecia, Australia, Ibiza, Mallorca si din 6 septemberie Bucuresti.
Formatul "Dance on Vinyl" iti va aduce in prima ora cele mai noi melodii lansate in fiecare saptamana iar in cea de a doua ora vei avea intalnire cu un Dj invitat.
Dupa ce in 2008 Vincent Vinyl i-a avut ca invitati in cadrul emisiunii "City Sounds" pe Dj locali ca Dj Rushen (ProFM Dance), Dj G.ReeP (ProFM Dance), Dj Elis (ProFM Dance), Miss Dj Mara, Alin Prada, Djane Margo sau Narcissa precum si internationalii Moonwalker (Fra), Panevino (Elvetia), Miss Sunshine (Croatia), Dj Polly Re-Mix (Bulgaria) sau Gareth Emery (UK - locul 23 mondial in Dj Mag Top 100) acum la "Dance on Vinyl" te poti astepta la o lista mult mai mare de invitati care mai mult ca sigur iti vor incanta placut simturile muzicale.
Din 6 septembrie in fiecare duminica nu rata astfel intalnirea cu "Dance on Vinyl" pe VogueFM!

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