
Superbowl Night in Puzzle

Duminica 2 feb, 22:00

Duminica, 2 februarie, Puzzle va invita la noapte cu un show sportiv special - finala campionatului de fotbal American - Superbowl XLVIII: Seattle SEAHAWKS vs Denver BRONCOS.
Al doilea cel mai vizionat show de televiziune din lume aduce in acest an o confruntare intre cea mai buna defensiva si cea mai buna ofensiva din NFL in primul SuperBowl jucat in aer liber pe vreme rece.
Va fi posibil una din ultimele sanse sa-l urmariti jucand pe faimosul quarterback Payton Manning, iar showul din pauza va fi sustinut de Bruno Mars si Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Alaturi de transmisiunea in direct pe ecran mare veti putea incerca si traditionalele aripioare picante americane si probabil ce mai bun burger din Bucuresti.
Va asteptam in jurul orei 22:00 pentru showul dinaintea meciului si pregatiti sa incingem atmosfera.
Sunday, February 2nd, Puzzle will host a special sports night – the American Football Championship Final: Superbowl XLVIII, Seattle SEAHAWKS vs Denver BRONCOS.
This year, the number one offense is facing off the number one defense in the first Superbowl played outdoors during cold weather.
While this is probably the last chance to watch the famous quarterback Payton Manning in action, the halt time show will also feature live performances from Bruno Mars and Red Hot Chili Peppers.
The show will be projected on large screen and you will have the chance to experience the traditional spicy chicken wings and probably the best burger in Bucharest.
You are welcome around 10 PM for the pre-game show.
RSVP: 077 21 600 31 / http://liveinpuzzle.ro/evenimente

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