
Vellant vine la Street Heroes

Prietenii de la Editura Vellant s-au gandit ca, cu ocazia Festivalului de Cultura Urbana Street Heroes sa te invite la un mic concurs.

freshest info: the publishers at vellant are organizing the coolest contest together with the street heroes:
write a little about what urban culture & literature means to you and why you belong to the street heroes, and you can win one of our 5 prizes:
a double invitation at the street heroes and a book offered from vellant.ro: either bansky's (RO translation: bansky - arta la zid)
or nicholas ganz' (RO translation: nicholas ganz - graffiti. arta strazii pe cinci continente)
every book comes together with a sticker from pisica patrata!!!
hurry - EXTREMELY limited edition
Send your answers to :  dana.berghes@freestylehouse.com remember to put into subject : Vellant Contest.

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