Alandala weekend 14 - 16 mai

Vineri, 16 Mai , ora 20:00 – va invitam la un concert de Jazz Manouche cu Andrei Albu (chitara) si Victor Podeanu (chitara).
Jazz Manouche – este un stil de jazz aparut in 1930 cunoscut si sub numele de Gypsy Jazz sau Hot Club Jazz. Cel mai cunoscut cantaret de Jazz Manouche si initiatorul acestui gen e Django Reinhardt.
Jazz Manouche e un stil extrem de energetic, ce acţionează asupra publicului într-un mod tonifiant, catalizator, surprinzător asa ca va asteptam sa dansam si sa ne bucuram de o seara minunata.

ANDREI ALBU « este printre cei mai talentati chitaristi pe care ii stiu. A cunoscut muzica clasica la conservatorul din Bucuresti si abordeaza tehnica Jazz Manouche de un an. In societate este un domn serios si respectabil dar ascultand solo-urile sale imi dau seama cata intensitate, creativitate si entuziasm stau in spatele celui mai bun prieten al meu » V. Podeanu.

VICTOR PODEANU a inceput a studia Manouche in acelasi timp in care descoperea inceputurile teoriei muzicale, acum cativa ani. Nu a exersat prea mult frazele altor muzicieni, preferand sa incorporeze in mod natural materialul sonor extins la care se expune. Inspiratia sa vine atat din celelalte forme de arta - natura, dans, pictura - cat si din explorarea momentului.

Intrare : Plateste cat doresti in functie de cat de mult ti-a placut si cat de mult iti permiti.

Come and meet nice people and share with them a good homemade dinner.
Prepare something, preferably vegetarian and taste what other people are bringing.
If you don't have time to cook - you can offer a drink from the bar or just bring some cookies from a nice shop :)
Usually we have chill out evenings. Some of the people coming are regular visitors and some of them are passing by travelers from different parts of the world.
Our dinner is open to ex-pats and it is also a CouchSurfing event.
At the dinner, we mostly speak in English but it depends on the people coming, sometimes the main language is French, other time is Romanian :)

Feel free to invite anybody :)

We meet in Alandala at 19:30 and slowly start with the starters :)

We can enjoy our dinner in the garden or go inside in case of bad weather.

Drinks available at the bar

This is a recurrent event that takes place every week on Sunday at 19:30

Alandala Cafe
Str Aurel Vlaicu nr 70
0720 326 925

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