Control Club: Portuguese Night Out - 26 aprilie

Joi, 26 aprilie, ora 21.00 @ Club Control

Portuguese Night Out este un concept de party creat pentru a sarbatori ziua revolutiei portugheze (25 aprilie). Daca te-am facut curios, te servim joi 26 aprilie, la Control, cu o infuzie de interculturalitate.

Do not miss all the fun! Drop by!
Free entrance!

21:00 - PROIECTIE - "Escrever, escrever, viver" (2009), regia Solveig Nordlund, 50min

Documentar despre viata si lucrarile scriitorului portughez António Lobo Antunes (oferit de Institutul Camões).

Filmul vorbeste despre sursele de insipratie ce au stat la baza creatiei sale - copilaria, cariera de doctor psihiatru, razboiul colonial, 25 aprilie (ziua revolutiei portugheze) - si despre modul in care boala i-a schimbat perspectiva asupra vietii.

"António Lobo Antunes at the height of his career gets the grand prize for literature International Book Fair in Guadalajara, Mexico. The prize is the starting point for a general overview of his life and work. (...) In 2006 he was diagnosed with cancer.(...) The risk of death is over. But the disease left its mark, his attitude towards life has changed, will only publish two more books."

23.00 - CAMERA SAMBO - Tiago & Bogman -
Seara se continua cu o noua editie Camera Sambo, care il are ca invitat special pe DJ-ul si producatorul portughez Tiago Miranda. Tiago este cunoscut si ca DJ rezident in LUX, cel mai tare club din Lisabona si ca membru al trupei Gala Drop. Proiectele si set-urile sale incendiare combina ritmuri dintre cele mai variate de la techno si dub la leftfield rock si disco.

"Hailing from Lisbon in Portugal where he is a weekly resident at Club Lux, Tiago has a laid back intensity that is reflected in the expansive and inquisitive nature of his sets. He has been at it for close to twenty years, and in the last decade added production work to his resume. Check his production and remix work on labels like DFA, ESP Institute, Golf Channel, Leng, etc."

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