Evenimentul se amana pentru joi, 17 martie.
Joi, 10 martie, ora 20:00
Club Expirat, (room 2)
#5ARTA LA PERETE cu Adina Zorzini
Dan Popescu si re/prezentarea galeriei H’art
H’art Gallery opened in late 2002, being the second portfolio private-run gallery in Romania. The main goal is to promote young contemporary art and to consolidate the art market environment. The focus is on the generation of artists educated after the fall of the Communist regime in 1989. Dumitru Gorzo, Ovidiu Fenes, Florin Ciulache, Anca Muresan, Alexandru Paul, Roman Tolici, Raul Ciosici, Ana Banica, Daniel Gontz, Arantxa Etcheverria, Michele Bressan, Vlad Nanca, Ion Barladeanu are some of the most active artists that H’art Gallery proudly represents.
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